About Us

  • Alkali Capital is an investment vehicle, which aims to for the betterment of Africa.

    Our Mission

    Alkali Capital's goal is to drive Africa’s development and steer it toward more productive and sustainable activities. Alkali Capital LLC aims to harness the continent natural resources and use them for structural transformation. Alkali Capital LLC will not rest until it achieves its dream: better and more numerous jobs, higher standards or livings, social equality through education and transparency, respect of the rule of law, and peace and stability through a meritocratic society. The resources of the African continent are plenty; unfortunately, Africans are yet to enjoy the bounty. 

    The resources are exported overseas before being transformed and even their prices are set in foreign stock exchanges. Alkali Capital is resolved to create a more industrialized Africa. An industrialized Africa will create a plus-value to the entire world. A growing middle class signifies a bigger market; giving people something to lose will translate in more peaceful times, the spread of the rule of law as well as women emancipation and children rights.

    It is our belief that the elimination of poverty will create a better society. The growth of the African population is second to no other continent; unfortunately, the youth faces a bleak future. The lack of opportunities will perpetuate and enhance the cycle violence and the epidemic of poverty. Alkali Capital has faith that a better Africa will translate into a better world.

     Alkali Capital raises funds for government backed projects. Each project must have a positive social impact and be economically and environmentally sustainable. The projects are audited by independent firms in order to comply with international investment standards. 

    Our Moto

    Work Ethic / Knowledge / Result Alkali Capital LLC, Africa is a Sleeping Giant; Let's All Wake Her Up!